

Strengthening Early-Stage AMR Innovation: A Conversation with Dr. Erin Duffy, Chief of Research & Development at CARB-X | RT: 3:30 min

Watch this video made by the Novo Nordisk Foundation to hear CARB-X Chief of Research and Development Erin Duffy speak about the progress Day Zero Diagnostics, Inc and Vedanta Biosciences, Inc. have made since entering the CARB-X portfolio. | RT: 3 min

Drug-resistant bacteria kill >1M people per year. This is the story about how CARB-X is helping to address the global health threat of AMR. | RT: 6 min

30-min. Webinar | Antimicrobial Resistance: CARB-X Partners Addressing a Global Health Threat – June 9, 2022

What would a world without antibiotics be like? BBC Ideas explores the growing problem of antibiotic resistance – and what can be done about it. | RT: 6 min.

What are superbugs? The Hill explains how surgeries and minor injuries could become more dangerous, and that new antibiotics are crucial as bacteria become resistant to existing treatments. | RT: 2 min.

Highlights of CARB-X European Product Developers | RT: 7 min

Messages from CARB-X European Funders | RT: 3:30 min

European Celebration: 5 Years of Progress with CARB-X October 22, 2021

CARB-X Video – Highlights from the CARB-X portfolio | RT: 5 min

CARB-X Video – Message from the UK Special Envoy | RT: 1:30 min

Antibiotic Resistance: A Matter of Time. Before antibiotics were discovered, even the slightest cut could become infected and kill. As antibiotic resistance continues to spread and if we fail to develop new antibiotics, drug resistant infections could kill millions each year. In this video, the Financial Times travels through time with artist Nina Dunn to see how we can stop the next global health crisis. | RT: 8 min

CARB-X video – the CARB-X partnership and the antibiotic resistance crisis. This video was produced on the occasion of CARB-X being awarded the 2020 Innovating for Impact Partnership Award from the Global Health Technologies Coalition. The GHTC is the premier advocacy organization focusing on global health R&D for new tools and technologies. | RT: 2:20 min

CARB-X Webinar – ‘Tackling Resistant Bacteria: Exciting Science in the CARB-X Portfolio’ featured presentations by the CEOs of Eligo Bioscience, Peptilogics and Vedanta Biosciences on their innovative antibacterial projects funded by CARB-X. Also featured is a presentation by Erin Duffy, CARB-X R&D Chief, on the diverse make-up of the portfolio. Recorded November 17, 2020. | RT: 60 min

AMR Action Fund – The AMR Action Fund, launched in July 2020 by biopharmaceutical companies, is aiming to invest $1B to bring 2-4 new antibiotics to patients by 2030. The new Fund will work with partners and organizations like CARB-X already concerned about the rise of drug-resistant bacteria to create market conditions that enable sustainable investment in the antibiotic pipeline. | RT: 1:32 min

PEW TRUSTS – 5 Facts about Antibiotic Resistance in the US: Antibiotic resistance is one of the most urgent threats to public health. There are not enough antibiotics in development to treat increasingly resistant bacteria. Without effective antibiotics, most of modern medicine is impossible. Watch this video from PEW Trusts. RT: 0:38 seconds

PBS NewsHour – Part 2 of 2 – How a crumbling antibiotics infrastructure could yield ‘catastrophe’: The antibiotics industry has suffered an alarming collapse that has become even more troubling as secondary bacterial infections threaten patients with COVID-19. Why has production of these vital medicines stagnated, and what can be done to address the problem? PBS NewsHour Economics correspondent Paul Solman reports on why lifesaving drugs don’t necessarily translate to lucrative businesses. | RT: 8 min

PBS NewsHour – Part 1 of 2 – As a virus ravages the world, antibiotic makers are in disarray: COVID-19 can be accompanied by secondary bacterial infections with deadly consequences. But the antibiotics R&D industry has been upended — and the pandemic is only making things worse. Paul Solman reports. | RT: 7:15 min

THE FORUM Video recording of panel discussion at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston. Kevin Outterson, Helen Boucher, Lauri Hicks and Marc Lipsitch discuss what it will take to win the race against superbugs. Better prescribing practices and patient information, better stewardship, and better financial incentives and rewards for new diagnostics, preventatives, new classes of antibiotics and other therapeutics are all urgently needed to address the rise of drug resistance around the world. Panel moderated by NBC’s David Freeman. | RT: 60 min

$155 million for drug development to fight deadly superbugs: Wellcome Trust is partnering with CARB-X to address the rise of drug-resistant superbugs. Tim Jinks explains the challenges we face from superbugs and what Wellcome and CARB-X are doing to support the development of new antibiotics, rapid diagnostics, preventatives and other life-saving products to prevent and treat drug-resistant bacterial infections. | RT: 2:45 min

Are We Headed Toward A Post-Antibiotic World? In this video, NPR explains how antibiotic resistance happens — and what we can do to avoid living in a post-antibiotic world. | RT: 2:51 min

Promoting Pioneers – Colombia: Scientists are working with farmers to create a surveillance network tracking the spread of antimicrobial resistance in poultry farms and figure out how that might be affecting human health. | RT: 2:38 min

Has bacteria won the war? Check out the new film produced by the Longitude Prize. They traveled to Chennai, Pune and Delhi to capture the perspective from patients, doctors and researchers on drug resistance in India. | RT: 10:37 min