02.26.2025 | CARB-X announces new round of funding for antibiotics, diagnostics
CIDRAP | CARB-X today announced a new round of funding targeting therapeutics for gram-negative bacterial infections and rapid diagnostics for typhoid fever.
02.07.2025 | BioInfect 2025 sees a great turnout for a day of AMR discussion
BIOINFECT | BioInfect returned to The Spine in Liverpool for the second year in a row on 5th February, with over 175 delegates, 14 exhibitors and 15 poster abstracts focusing on the issues surrounding the increasing threat of AMR and how it can be addressed.
01.30.2025 | Novo Nordisk Foundation granted DKK 10 billion (€1.35 billion) to benefit people and the planet in milestone year
NOVO NORDISK FOUNDATION | In 2024, on its 100th anniversary, the Novo Nordisk Foundation reached a new milestone, awarding close to DKK 10.1 billion (€1.35 billion) to support nearly 1,800 new projects aimed at improving people’s health and the sustainability of society and the planet.
01.27.2025 | Health experts, academics, business leaders and local students will take centre stage at antimicrobial resistance conference as BioInfect returns to Liverpool
BIONOW | Health experts, academics, business leaders and local students will take centre stage at antimicrobial resistance conference as BioInfect returns to Liverpool.
01.24.2025 | Muschel (Hera): “In Ue 35mila morti all’anno dovuti all’Amr, la ricerca priorità assoluta”
RIF DAY | Sono cifre da bollettino di guerra: la resistenza agli antibiotici in Europa provoca 35mila decessi all’anno.
01.24.2025 | Ministro Schillaci a Davos: ribadito l’impegno a contrastare la piaga della resistenza agli antibiotici
MONDOSANITA | La nostra salute sotto i riflettori in occasione del World Economic Forum di Davos, un evento annuale che riunisce statisti, leader politici, rappresentanti del mondo economico e della società civile.
01.22.2025 | Four opportunities to revitalize the US biomedical research enterprise
HEALTH AFFAIRS | The US biomedical research enterprise is renowned for its historical and ongoing scientific breakthroughs and advancements.
01.21.2025 | CARB-X funds $3.5M to Melio for rapid neonatal sepsis diagnostic
CONTAGION LIVE | CARB-X has awarded a $3.5 million grant to Melio, a biotechnology company, to develop a rapid diagnostic tool to detect neonatal sepsis.
01.13.2025 | How the Global AMR Innovation Fund is leading the fight against antimicrobial resistance
INNOVATION NEWS NETWORK | In a world increasingly shaped by scientific advancements, one of the most pressing challenges is antimicrobial resistance (AMR)—a growing threat to global health, economies, and future generations.
01.13.2025 | Collaborative innovation: Reimagining R&D partnerships to create a healthier future for everyone
WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM | Reinventing private, public and philanthropic collaboration could help develop multi-faceted solutions targeting infectious disease, mental health and the health impacts of climate change.
01.07.2025 | $2.6 million accelerates anti-biofilm vaccine to prevent bacterial infections
VAX BEFORE TRAVEL | CARB-X today announced it awarded Clarametyx Biosciences $2.6 million to develop an anti-biofilm vaccine.
01.07.2025 | CARB-X funds development of anti-biofilm vaccine
CIDRAP | CARB-X today announced an award of $2.6 million to Clarametyx Biosciences to develop an anti-biofilm vaccine.
01.03.2025 | Mit „sportlichem Ehrgeiz“: Gießener Forscher tüfteln an neuem Antibiotika-Wirkstoff
Gießener Allgemeine | Forscher aus Gießen arbeiten seit geraumer Zeit an einem neuen Antibiotika-Wirkstoff. Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen einer spannenden Entwicklung, die weit über die Naturwissenschaft hinausgeht.