
Nature Biotechnology Conferences

Pullman Beijing South 12 Rong Hua Nan Lu, Beijing, China

Nature Medicine, Nature Microbiology and Nature Biotechnology present:
Countering Antimicrobial Resistance

ASM Microbe 2018 – Presentation by Karen Gallant

Georgia World Congress Center 285 Andrew Young International Blvd NW, Atlanta, GA, United States

Karen Gallant to present at the American Society of Microbiology - connecting scientists with their science

Understanding the Development Challenges Associated with Emerging Non-Traditional Antibiotics

JW Marriott Washington DC 1331 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC, United States

Convened by the Duke-Robert J. Margolis, MD, Center for Health Policy at Duke University and supported by a cooperative agreement with FDA, this public event will focus on the range of non-traditional pharmaceutical approaches being developed to combat bacterial infections. Kevin Outterson and John Rex to present.

GARDP Live Discussion Webinar: PK-PD in support of accelerated programmes for antimicrobial development: how much is enough?


In this webinar, William Hope will talk about the role of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics for antimicrobial drug development. He will discuss the EMA guideline on the use of PK/PD and basic studies to inform dose finding strategies. He will also advise on realistic benchmarking, endpoints, and interpretation of study results.

Payment Reform Pathways for Antimicrobial Drugs: Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy Roundtable Meeting

Washington, DC

Facilitating Payment Reform Pathways for Antimicrobial Drugs through FDA and CMS Collaboration As you know, the rise in antimicrobial resistant infections is a major public health threat. Few treatment options are available and the pipeline of drug candidates is extremely limited. To help address this issue, Duke-Margolis has been focused on policy initiatives that could […]