
Novel drug candidate aims to tackle superbug infections in cystic fibrosis patients

Novel drug candidate aims to tackle superbug infections in cystic fibrosis patients

FORBES | In a world where antibiotics are becoming increasingly unsuccessful at treating infections, those who suffer worst are often the sick and the young. Unfortunately, in the case of Cystic Fibrosis, patients often check off both these boxes. The French bio-pharmaceutical company Antabio is developing a way to help these vulnerable patients. This month, Antabio was granted $4.4 million by CARB-X in a second tranche of funding to continue to develop its Pseudomonas Elastase Inhibitor (PEi) program. This is in addition to $2.8 million awarded in 2017. The Antabio program is focused on a novel small molecule candidate that was found to be a potential adjunct treatment for Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections in Cystic Fibrosis patients. Antabio CEO Marc Lemonnier, said: “Its actually a groundbreaking approach, it’s never been done before. I think that’s what CARB-X has recognized and that’s why they are funding.”

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