Apply Here

Apply Here

Beginning on 23 September 2024 at 10:00 ET, applicants can submit an Expression of Interest for any of the four funding themes.

Click here to find Target Product Profiles. Click here to find minimal entry criteria. Below are EOI templates for each of our funding themes.

2024 EOI Template for Therapeutics
2024 EOI Template for Preventatives
2024 EOI Template for Diagnostics for Neonatal Sepsis
2024 EOI Template for Alternative Sample Types

Information on registering for free public webinars to learn more about the scope of the funding rounds and application process will be available in the coming weeks.


Expressions of Interest (EOI) for all four themes may be submitted from 23 September 2024 at 10:00 ET to 4 October 2024 at 23:59 ET.

In the EOI, you will be asked to answer a series of questions about your proposed project and will be given the opportunity to share pertinent, non-confidential details, in free text. Your application will be judged on the merits of its scientific content; describe your science with as much data as possible. Please do provide sufficient data to allow a knowledgeable scientist to get a reasonable sense of the therapeutic/preventative/diagnostic. Do not provide other manuscripts, references, citations or similar. Note that the form can only accept text; you may not enter tables or graphics. Do not include foundational information regarding the significance of antibiotic resistance; this is not necessary, as the reviewers understand this.