DAVOS | An expert panel moderated by CARB-X Executive Director Kevin Outterson discusses solutions to the antimicrobial resistance crisis at a session sponsored by Novo Nordisk Foundation during the World Economic Forum in Davos, January 21, 2020. Participants were Jeremy Farrar. Director of the Wellcome Trust, Malin Grape, Head of Unit at the Public Health Agency of Sweden Lars Rebien Sørensen, Chair of the board of Novo Holdings, Jayasree K. Iyer, Executive Director of the Access to Medicine Foundation and Thomas B. Cueni, Director General of International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers (IFPMA). The solutions include: 1) a subscription model which delinks revenue and volume of medicine used and 2) providing incentives for developers of new medicines. The parties now aim to identify and promote a new approach to partnership across industry, finding a more innovative way to fund novel antibiotics and incentivize developers, making antibiotics an attractive place for companies to invest, with the discipline of the market and the best of philanthropy behind it. Watch the panel discussion (discussion starts at 6:00). Watch a video interview with Grape, Iyer and Outterson.