
G20 leaders to make united efforts to major economic challenges, including AMR

G20 leaders to make united efforts to major economic challenges, including AMR

JAPAN TIMES | G20 leaders meeting in Osaka, Japan, tackled a number of global threats and economic issues, including equality and global health. Leaders called on G20 members to accelerate efforts to address the threat of drug resistant bacteria. In their statement, they recognized the need to accelerate efforts based on the One-Health approach to tackle antimicrobial resistance (AMR). They called on G20 members to promote R&D and encouraged all stakeholders to act and coordinate on global efforts to combat AMR. “We recognize the need for policy measures for infection prevention and reduction of excessive antimicrobial usage. Further action should be taken to promote stewardship of and access to antimicrobials. Noting the ongoing work done by Global AMR R&D Hub, we will promote R&D to tackle AMR. We call on interested G20 members and Global AMR R&D Hub to analyze push and pull mechanisms to identify best models for AMR R&D and to report back to relevant G20 Ministers.”

For more on the G20 Summit, click here.

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